Deadline: 4 April 2025

VaxHub Sustainable Platform funding call

VaxHub Members are invited to submit applications to support platform funded projects. A platform funded project could focus on testing or demonstrating research results (experimental methods, analytical techniques, etc.) generated on a VaxHub related vaccine technology (viral vectored, VLP, mRNA and conjugated vaccines). Projects must be related to VaxHub themes and could address research questions derived from prior academic study or respond to industry identified needs in the manufacture of vaccines. Projects focusing on fostering new collaborations or supporting training and upskilling objectives are also accepted.

Proposals should be submitted for projects with a value of between £75,000-£100,000 (inclusive of VAT) for projects lasting 6-12 months.

The deadline for submissions is 23:59 UK time on 4 April 2025.

If you have issues with online submission, please use the Word application form and return all documents to: [email protected].

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