As groundbreaking advancements in cell and gene therapy, biologics, and regenerative medicine continue to emerge, it is crucial to assess the nation's capacity to support, scale, and sustain these innovations. This event will provide a platform for in-depth discussion on the critical factors shaping the future of advanced therapies, focusing on recruitment, technology, and the people who will drive the industry forward.
8.30am Registration and Networking
9am Intro and AGM
9.15am State of the Nation – Jason Jones, amc
9.45am Session 1. Clinical considerations
- MimounAzzouz, GTIMC
- Fiona Thistlewaite, ATTC Network
- Therapeutic co - TBC
11.15am Break (tea/coffee) touch
11.45am Session 2. People and Skills
- Ricky Martin, HRS
- Ivan Wall, Resilience
- KaraSevola, GTIMC
1.30pm Lunch
2.30pm Session 3. Technology
- Stephen Ward, CGTC
- David James, Syngensis
- Lindsey Clarke, MicrofluidX
- VeraZonova, Aseptic technologies
3.45pm Break (tea/coffee)
4.15pm Session 4. The manufacturing challenges of scale - Stephen Ward
5.30pm Close
Dinner location to be confirmed.