
Genomics, the study of DNA, is transforming healthcare with personalised medicines that target diseases effectively and minimise side effects. It’s also driving precise diagnostics to characterise and prevent diseases. The BIA aims to build on the UK’s strong genomics heritage, working with stakeholders and members to make the UK the best place to scale genomics companies.

What is Genomics?

Genomics – the study of our genetic material, or DNA – is enabling truly personalised medicines, designed to effectively address patients’ disease with as few side-effects as possible. It is also paving the way for more accurate, convenient diagnostic products that help characterise and potentially prevent disease altogether. Our growing understanding of how genes exert their influence through functional genomics is opening new frontiers of drug research. Linking these processes will deliver immense benefits for patients, facilitating preventative and personalised medicine which will form the future of healthcare. 

The BIA seeks to build on the UK’s strong genomics heritage by making the UK the best place to start and scale genomics companies. We work with stakeholders in government and beyond, as well as with members to highlight and champion genomics technologies. For example, we have a seat on the governments National Genomics Board, which is key forum for influencing government policy on genomics. 

Recent activity in genomics
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Genomics nation 2023: A genomics-powered UK life science ecosystem

Data, AI and Genomics Advisory Committee (DAGAC)

The BIA’s Data, AI and Genomics Advisory Committee (DAGAC) leads the BIA’s techbio policy development, drawing on the expertise and experience of thought leaders from across technology in life sciences. The committee helps shape the regulatory, policy and business environment for this vital subsector, seeking to make the UK the best place to start and scale Techbio companies, by improving the landscape for data, AI, genomics and precision medicine. 

The committee's policy priorities are to ensure that the UK has the best environment for precision and preventative medicine. This includes focusing on the key pillars of health data, Artificial intelligence and functional genomics. The committee works with key stakeholders to improve the process of applying for and accessing health data in the UK. It champions the transformative potential of functional genomics and monitors the regulation of AI to ensure it doesn’t stifle innovation. Finally, the group works the BIA’s rare disease industry group to improve the precision and preventative medicine landscape in the UK. 

Chair and Vice Chair
Steve Gardner

Steve Gardner

CEO and Co-Founder, PrecisionLife

Danuta Jeziorska

Danuta Jeziorska

biotech CEO and industry leader in functional genomics

Committee members
Genomics nation 2023

Genomics nation 2023

The UK genomics sector stands at an important inflection point. Now, with more start-ups and scale-ups in the genomics space than ever before, we are on the cusp of this technology becoming one that is embedded within our healthcare system to improve patients lives.

Read the report


Genomics nation 2022

Genomics nation 2022

Innovative UK genomics companies are vital to the future wealth of our nation. The report shows that UK genomics companies raised £1.9 billion of venture investment and £35.7 million in public grants since 2017, demonstrating the strength of this innovative sector.

Read the report


The UK Genomics sector

The UK Genomics sector

To help investors and policymakers understand the opportunities Genomics presents in the UK, in July 2021, we produced a benchmarking study of the size and strengths of the UK Genomics sector.

Read the report

Genomics explained

Genomics explained

The guide contains input from BIA members - Wellcome Genome Campus, Congenica, Eagle Genomics, Genomics plc, Global Gene Corp, Oxford Nanopore, New Gene, Cambridge Cancer Genomics, Epigenetix.

Read the explainer