26 April 2024

BIA webinar recording: Navigating the US biosecurity landscape and impact on UK life sciences

Watch the recording of navigating the US biosecurity landscape: Impact on UK life sciences.

Are recent US developments in biotechnology and national security impacting UK companies? This webinar explores the implications of the BIOSECURE Act and President Biden's Executive Order on data privacy, including genomic data, biometric data, personal health data, geolocation data and financial data. If the BIOSECURE bill, introduced by a bipartisan group of Select Committee Members in the US Senate and the House goes through, it could severely impact US companies’ ability and desire to contract with biotechnology entities from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Moreover, the bill also specifically names certain companies related to the People’s Republic of China —BGI, MGI, Complete Genomics, WuXi AppTec, and their affiliates—as companies of concern.

How are UK life science companies responding to these developments and what does it mean for our ecosystem?

Watch this webinar to learn more about how the environment may change with these developments, and what they mean for UK companies looking to expand and develop overseas.



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