TauRx Pharmaceuticals Ltd

TauRx was founded in 2002 in Singapore, with research facilities and operations based in Aberdeen, Scotland. Its mission is to discover, develop and commercialise new products for the diagnosis, treatment and cure of neurodegenerative diseases caused through protein aggregation. Its scientific roots lie in the research of co-founder Professor Claude Wischik, whose early work led to the first identification of tau protein as the structural constituent of the neurofibrillary tangles originally discovered by Alzheimer.

Tau aggregation inhibitors (TAIs) target the formation or aggregation of tau protein ‘tangles’ in the brain, as potential treatments for AD and related diseases. The spread of tau tangles is strongly correlated with cognitive decline in dementia that can develop in the brain up to 20 years before associated symptoms with dementia develop. TAIs work by breaking down existing tau aggregates and preventing the further aggregation of tau protein from forming new tangles.

With an advancing clinical trial program and collaboration with GT Diagnostics, TauRx hope to play a part in the transformation of diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurodegenerative disease for the benefit of all those affected.